AARP Chapters are nongovernmental, nonpartisan, non-profit community service organizations. Riverside Chapter 237 was officially franchised on April 21, 1963, and we have approximately 200 members.

  1. Annual dues are $10.00 (Ten Dollars) per person, per year.
  2. Persons joining this chapter in September or later in the membership year shall pay dues that will carry over through the following membership year.
  3. This chapter will accept associate members (under 50 years of age).  Associate members will pay the same dues as other members. Associate members have the same voting rights as other members but cannot hold an office on the Board of Directors.
  4. This chapter will accept members, persons who are members of any other AARP chapter.

You may print out the membership form below. Bring the filled-out form and pay dues at the chapter’s general meetings (1st Saturday of the month) or at the office during office hours.    You can also mail in your membership and payment to AARP Chapter #237,  4495 Magnolia Ave, Riverside, CA.  92501